Tender Rock Counseling assists you and /or people you love to get unstuck
Life is a journey that consists of searching meaning and coping. Meaning in different roles and aspects of life motivates us with a destiny for hope; at the same time, coping is strategies we use to get there from here. At each stage of life, people pursue different meanings and learn different coping strategies. However, we sometimes get stuck because of different psychological, cognitive, biological and spiritual reasons; thus, either we can no longer see the meaning(s) clearly in certain or all aspects of life and/or our coping strategies are no longer effective, which often leads to depression and anxiety, personality dysfunctions , distorted thoughts, self-defeating behaviors ( e.g. obsessive-compulsive behaviors/thoughts), psychologically based physical symptoms, and problems in our daily functioning in different context including parenting, marriage/couple relationship, work performance and social interactions as associated with different roles at different stage in life. In other words, people are likely stuck under these circumstances, which lead to sufferings in the mind, body and even spirit domains. We believe that effective counseling/psychotherapy by itself or with other approaches together is a catalyst for facilitating the changes needed to get unstuck and to have a meaningful life.
Human beings are bigger than the sum of their psychological and physical parts. We believe that as therapists/counselors, our function is to work as conduits, knowing our own limitations and seeing the client as the expert of his or her life with the capability to learn to make the best choices for them. In other words, the client is the person in charge, even when, as is oftentimes the case, the client does not see it that way and appears to be vulnerable on the surface when first arriving at the counseling.
In order to function as conduits, we believe our specialty-oriented and outcome-based practice has to be culturally aware so that we can respond to different cultural backgrounds, holistic in terms of body, mind and spirit, and comprehensive, so that we cover the family, interpersonal, developmental, intrapsychic, and multicultural aspects of treatment. Above all, we believe that our multi-faceted approach which includes: the client and all of his or her strengths, hopes, and beliefs; the lead therapist and team practitioners from different disciplines; the ongoing client-therapist relationship; and the environmental factors including resources, family, and support, all contribute to the changes needed to get unstuck.
Tender Rock Counseling
– Non Profit Organization | Counselors with Christian Faith
Bellevue / Eastside, Washington