- Tracy Alderman (1997). The scarred soul: Understanding & ending self-inflicted violence, 1st Edition. Oakland, CA. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Comment : This is one of the few books that was first written for the victims of self-inflicted violence. “This book brings a sigh of relief to those seeking reasonable and logical insights and solutions to the problem of self-inflicted violence.” In our opinion, all parents can be benefited reading this book to learn about the children’s world although their children may not have this specific issue.
- David Stoop & James Masteller (1996). Forgiving our parents, forgiving ourselves: Healing adult children of dysfunctional families. An Arbor, Michigan,
Servant Publications. Comment : The authors begin by exploring family patterns that perpetuate dysfunction, which partially has been keeping us so stuck. Forgiveness is essential for us to move forward, but before we can begin the process of forgiveness, we need to understand the roots of our pain, then the hope becomes possible. - Lynn E. Ponton (1997). The romance risk: Why teenagers do the things they do? 1st Edition. New York, NY. Basic Books. Comment : The author takes us inside the minds of fifteen adolescents and proposes that teenage “acting -out” can be understood in terms of “risk-taking”. In our opinion, although risk-taking may not be the only reason that contributes to problematic behaviors, this book certainly helps us to shift our judgmental attitude from “right or wrong” to “empathic curiosity” to find out what is behind the behaviors.